Social Media Ads, Social Media Advertising for Fashion, Business of Fashion

DIVISA Featured On Business Of Fashion’s Article “Why Social Media Advertising Is Still Necessary”


Brands that benefited from a drop in customer acquisition costs at the beginning of the pandemic must figure out how to get the most out of their investments as prices rise dramatically.

Brands stuck on the customer acquisition hamster wheel have to get creative about cutting expenses. The trick is to keep spending on the ad buys while reducing the cost of producing those ads. Once a brand reaches critical mass, or its customers are loyal enough that reaching new ones is less urgent, it may not need to spend so much, proportionately, on social media ads. But for most brands, that day is still far off.

“When it comes to investing in paid campaigns, it’s not whether people should do it or not, there’s no option, you have to,” said Revecka Jallad, president and co-founder of the digital marketing agency Divisa. “What I like to compare it to is like an aeroplane trying to take off: If you don’t get to a minimum [speed], you can’t cruise and you just crash.”



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